Deeper Connect with the Family
Sharing your story will strengthen the bond with younger family members. You can foster a sense of identity with family who may be geographically scattered and busy with their own lives.
Reminiscence Promotes Health and Wellness
There is a growing body of scientific and anecdotal evidence that life reflection is a powerful medicine for seniors.
Research shows that the chance to tell their stories improves cognition, reduces depression, and improves behavioural functioning.
Family Fables Co.
Celebrating Lives, Preserving Legacies
Incorporated in 2017, Family Fables Co. is a bespoke publishing company that helps families document, preserve, archive and share the life stories of the previous generation before they are lost forever. Family Fables Co. uses oral history as a tool to preserve family, socio-cultural and city histories. The information given in oral histories is often not found in books, photos or other archives. It's the texture and emotion of individual experiences, which brings the past to life in a way unique from viewing objects or reading history books - It's the weight of personal experience that gives this past its meaning.
Why document a memoir?
Your Life Story, Your most Important Legacy
In an era where it seems that every life is on display on social media for the world to see, a whole generation is getting older and its stories, if not written or otherwise recorded, will be lost.
Every family has a story, a unique perspective to share, not just relating to their family history but also with regards to the larger cultural and historical context of the time. Contextualizing, understanding, and reliving an era through the eyes of your own family provides a more holistic and personalized narrative than what any textbook or any other mediums could provide.
These stories will not be lost if documented in a book - something for generations to read and appreciate.